2011年3月24日 星期四



Neurological Examination in the Emergency Room

General Considerations 主要原則:
  • Always consider left to right symmetry 比較左右對稱
  • Consider central vs. peripheral deficits 區分中樞或週邊缺損
Organize your thinking into six categories:
  1. Mental Status 意識狀態
  2. Cranial Nerves 顱神經檢查
  3. Motor Exam 運動功能檢查
  4. Reflexes 反射
  5. Coordination and Gait 協調性及步態
  6. Sensory Exam 感覺功能檢查
Patient with unilateral facial weakness

Adapted from Tintinalli‘s Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide, 7E
Chapter e158.1  The Neurologic Examination in the Emergency Setting

