2011年4月10日 星期日



Principles of Geriatric Emergency Medicine

1.   疾病臨床表現通常很複雜
The patient’s presentation is frequently complex. 
2.   常見的疾病,常有不典型的表現
Common diseases present atypically in this age group.
3.   合併多種疾病,使臨床表現產生混淆效果
The confounding effects of comorbid diseases must be considered.
4.   常使用多種藥物,對臨床表現、診斷及處置會有影響
Polypharmacy is common and may be a factor in presentation, diagnosis, and management.
5.   要識別出認知功能障礙的可能
Recognition of the possibility for cognitive impairment is important.
6.   有些檢驗數值可能會有不同的正常值
Some diagnostic tests may have different normal values.
7.   要有生理儲備功能可能下降的預期
The likelihood of decreased functional reserve must be anticipated.
8.   社會支持系統可能不足,病患可能需仰賴照護者
Social support systems may not be adequate, and patients may need to rely on caregivers.
9.   評估新的主訴時,必須要了解年老病患平時的功能狀態
A knowledge of baseline functional status is essential for evaluating new complaints.
10.  老年人的健康問題會受其相關的心理社會狀況影響
Health problems must be evaluated for associated psychosocial adjustment.
11.  年老病患急診就醫,是評估病患個人主要生活條件的機會
The emergency department encounter is an opportunity to assess important conditions in the patient’s personal life.

Reference: SAEM Emergency Care of the Elder Person: Instructor's Manual
Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine, 6E, Chapter 307 The Elder Patient
註: 本章節於第七版已被刪除

