2011年9月5日 星期一


Malpractice Risk According to Physician Specialty
N Engl J Med 2011; 365:629-636. August 18, 2011

According to the results of this study, across specialties, 7.4% of physicians annually had a claim, whereas 1.6% made an indemnity payment.

Proportion of Physicians Facing a Malpractice Claim Annually, According to Specialty.

Amount of Malpractice Payments, According to Specialty.
Payments are shown in 2008 dollars. 

Specialties that had fewer than 30 payments (i.e., oncology and nephrology) are not listed.

Trends in Overall Claims and Claims with an Indemnity Payment, According to Risk of Specialty.

Which specialties had the highest rate of claims?
neurosurgery, thoracic-cardiovascular surgery, and general surgery (the three specialties with the highest rate of claims, annually over 15% )

What was the rate of claims faced by internal medicine and its subspecialties?
Roughly 55% of physicians in internal medicine and its subspecialties were projected to face a malpractice claim by the age of 45 years, as compared with 89% by the age of 65 years.

What was the rate of claims filed?
Approximately 80% of physicians in surgical specialties (including general surgery) and 74% of physicians in obstetrics and gynecology were projected to face a claim by the age of 45 years.

Career malpractice high-risk for physicians in specialties
  1. Internal medicine and its subspecialties
  2. General surgery and surgical subspecialties
  3. Anesthesiology
  4. Obstetrics and gynecology
  5. Pathology



