ATLS 10th Edition Compendium of Change
Primary SurveyAirway Maintenance with Restriction of Cervical Spine Motion
Breathing and Ventilation
- “cervical spine protection” changed to ”Restriction of Cervical Spine Motion”
- RSI changed to ”Drug Assisted Intubation”
Circulation with Hemorrhage Control
- Initial resuscitation: Adult: 1 L isotonic solution; Child < 40 kg: 20 ml/kg
- Tranexamic acid: 1 g over 10 min within 3 hr, then 1 g over 8 hr
- Hemorrhagic shock classification table amended: Base excess
Thoracic Trauma
- Life threatening chest injury: flail chest out, tracheobrochial injury now in
- Tension pneumothorax:
- Needle thoracocentesis
- 5th ICS mid-axillary line for adult
- UNCHANGED 2nd ICS mid-clavicular line for child
- 28-32 Fr chest drain for hemothorax (not 36-40 Fr)
- eFAST (extended FAST): seashore, bar code, or stratosphere sign in M mode
- Aortic rupture management with Beta Blocker (esmolol): goal heart rate < 80 bpm and MAP 60-70 mmHg
- Algorithm for circulation arrest approach
- Palpation of prostate gland no longer recommended for urethral injury
Head Trauma
- Classification: “minor” changed to “mild” head trauma
- Detailed guidance on SBP management
- Maintain SBP at ≥ 100 mmHg for patients 50-69 years or at ≥ 110 mmHg for patients 15-49 years or older than 70 years.
- Anticoagulation reversal guidance
Spine and Spinal Cord Trauma
- Canadian C-Spine Rule (CCR) and NEXUS Criteria
Musculoskeletal Trauma
- Highlighting risk factor of bilateral femur fractures
Thermal Injury
- Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN) Criteria for Head CT
- Specific mention of avoiding CT in primary hospital
- SBAR template for communication
Mobile ATLS: New to this edition
Royal College Surgeons ATLS course 時程公告:
2018年 2月 以前,ATLS 第 9 版
2018年 3月到 5月,ATLS 第 9 版 + 第 10版 重點導讀
2018年 6月 以後,ATLS 第 10版
Tranexamic acid
回覆刪除請問ATLS第10版一文所引用的Algorithm for circulation arrest approach,是否為ATLS官方出版品的圖? 謝謝