Hypernatremia 定義:[Na+] > 150 mEq/L
Clinical Signs of Hypernatremic States Related to Serum Osmolality:
Osmolality (mOsm/kg) Manifestations
350–375 Restlessness, irritability
375–400 Tremulousness, ataxia
400–430 Hyperreflexia, twitching, spasticity
>430 Seizures and death
Causes of Hypernatremia *Likely or important ED diagnostic considerations.
Inadequate water intake*
- Inability to obtain or swallow water
- Impaired thirst drive
- Increased insensible loss
- Iatrogenic sodium administration
Sodium bicarbonate
Hypertonic saline
- Accidental/deliberate ingestion of large quantities of sodium
Substitution of salt for sugar in infant formula or tube feedings
Salt water ingestion or drowning
- Mineralocorticoid or glucocorticoid excess*
Primary aldosteronism
Cushing syndrome
Ectopic ACTH production
- Peritoneal dialysis
GI loss*Loss of water in excess of sodium
- Vomiting, diarrhea, intestinal fistula
- Central diabetes insipidus
- Impaired renal concentrating ability
- Osmotic diuresis (multiple causes)*
Decreased protein intake
Prolonged, excessive water intake
Sickle cell disease
Multiple myeloma
Sjögren syndrome
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
- Alcohol, lithium, phenytoin, propoxyphene, sulfonylureas, amphotericin, colchicine
- Burns, sweating
急診病人高血鈉最常見的原因是「嚴重水分不足 severe volume loss」
- The cornerstone of treatment is volume repletion.
- Volume should be replaced first with NS or lactated Ringer's solution.
- Some practitioners inappropriately fear using NS solution from concern that an [Na+] of 154 mEq/L exceeds normal serum [Na+]. However, in most hypernatremic states, there is a total body [Na+] deficit, and the use of NS allows a more gradual decrease in serum [Na+].
- Once perfusion has been established, the solution should be converted to 0.45% saline or another hypotonic solution until the urine output is at least 0.5 mL/kg/h.
- The reduction in [Na+] should not exceed 10~15 mEq/L per day.
- 原則:先處理水分缺損,再來矯正高血鈉
- 輸液選擇:先以 N/S 矯正水分缺損後,再用 half saline or D5W 矯正高血鈉
- 血鈉變化應每天小於 10~15 mEq/L
Free Water Deficit 計算
公式一 (Washington manual)
公式二 (Harrison, ICU Book,Tintinalli, Rosen )
Free Water Deficit
Replacement Volume = TBW deficit × 1/(1-X)
X= [Na+] of resuscitation fluid / [Na+] of isotonic saline
70 公斤的成人,抽血發現 [Na+] 160 mEq/L
TBW deficit = 0.6 ×70× [160/140-1]= 6 L
若使用 0.45NaCl 做為輸液
Replacement volume = 6 × 1/ (1-½)=12 L
水分缺損要在 48小時 補足
點滴速度約每小時 250 mL